Climate techology and solutions, Vestland region

TCM - Technology centre Mongstad

At TCM different companies and scientists from all around the world have the chance to test their carbon capture technologies at an industrial scale. The tests at Mongstad is usually the last step before installing carbon capture at a factory or power plant.

Norwegain companies , togheter with the Norwegian state , are also building a full scale carbon capture and storage system called "Langskip", meaning "Longship", the name  of the viking ships.

The Algae pilot is a research facility run by Norce / university of Bergen. The aim at the pilot is to find ways of producing useful algaes as cheap and with as little resources as possible.

Meningen med det innledende avsnittet er å føre leseren inn i temaet. Det kan brukes for å gi leseren en forsmak på hva innlegget handler om. Innledningen bør bli formatert annerledes enn resten av innlegget. Les videre for å få vite mer om hvordan du kan formatere dine innlegg.

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Radøy ungdomsskule,
Alver, Norway
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